题目 #
You are given a positive integer n, you can do the following operation any number of times:
- Add or subtract a power of 2 from n.
Return the minimum number of operations to make n equal to 0.
A number x is power of 2 if $x == 2^i$ where i >= 0.
Example 1:
Input: n = 39
Output: 3
Explanation: We can do the following operations:
- Add 2^0 = 1 to n, so now n = 40.
- Subtract 2^3 = 8 from n, so now n = 32.
- Subtract 2^5 = 32 from n, so now n = 0.
It can be shown that 3 is the minimum number of operations we need to make n equal to 0.
Example 2:
Input: n = 54
Output: 3
Explanation: We can do the following operations:
- Add 2^1 = 2 to n, so now n = 56.
- Add 2^3 = 8 to n, so now n = 64.
- Subtract 26 = 64 from n, so now n = 0.
So the minimum number of operations is 3.
- $1 <= n <= 10^5$
思路1 数学分析 #
分析 #
- 连续的1可以用加再减消除,分析一下就会发现
- 01要减一次
- 011要么减两次,要么加一次减一次,同样两次
- 011111加一次减一次,两次
- 也就是说,超过1个连续的1都是两次解决
- 那么超过1次的1可以转成加一剩一个1未消除
代码 #
1func minOperations(n int) int {
2 result := 0
3 count := 0
4 for n > 0 {
5 if n&1 == 1 {
6 count++
7 n >>= 1
8 continue
9 }
10 n >>= 1
11 if count == 0 {
12 continue
13 }
14 // 超过1个的1转成加1,剩余一个1
15 // 只有1个1,就只加一消掉
16 result++
17 if count == 1 {
18 count = 0
19 } else {
20 count = 1
21 }
22 }
23 if count > 2 {
24 result += 2
25 } else {
26 result += count
27 }
29 return result