题目 #
Given a positive integer num represented as a string, return the integer num without trailing zeros as a string.
Example 1:
Input: num = "51230100"
Output: "512301"
Explanation: Integer "51230100" has 2 trailing zeros, we remove them and return integer "512301".
Example 2:
Input: num = "123"
Output: "123"
Explanation: Integer "123" has no trailing zeros, we return integer "123".
- 1 <= num.length <= 1000
- num consists of only digits.
- num doesn’t have any leading zeros.
思路1 #
分析 #
- 照着做,倒着找第一个非0的位置,裁剪
代码 #
1func removeTrailingZeros(num string) string {
2 i := len(num)-1
3 for ; i >= 0 && num[i] == '0'; i-- {
4 }
5 return num[:i+1]